Inductive Effect or I Effect

Inductive Effect  ( I-Effect )

Partial displacement of sigma electrons (σ- e-s) towards more electronegative atom is called Inductive effect or I-effect.
Inductive effect is a permanent effect.

1. I-effect of C-H bond is considered as ZERO
2. C-Z bond (Where: Z is any atom/group)

a) If ZEN > CEN then-
C--->----Z  {Z gets –δ so –I effect of Z}

b) If ZEN < CEN then-
C---<----Z  {Z gets +δ so +I effect of Z}

CH3--->---Cl   {Cl gets –δ so –I effect of Cl}
CH3--->---OH {OH gets –δ so –I effect of OH}
CH3-->--CH=O    {Electron withdrawing effect or –I effect of –CH=O  (-CH3 :-Sp3 & CH=O :-SP2)}

Special point-1
*EN order of hybridized carbons
SP3 C {EN Value: 2.5} < SP2 C {EN Value: 2.75} < SP C {EN Value: 3.25}  [SP C: ≈50% S Character]

1.      CH3-->--C≡N  {-I effect of -C≡N  (-CH3 :- Sp3C   &  -C≡N :- Sp C)}
                          Note: {Order of EN :-   C+  > C > C-}
2.      CH3-->--NH2
3.      CH3-->>--N+H3  
                           Note: {-I effect of –N+H3  >  -NH2}

 *Order of  -I effect or electron withdrawing effect
-O+R3  >  -N+R3  >  –N+H3   >  NO2   >  -C≡N  >  -COOH  >  -CHO  >  Halogens  >  -OH  >     -NH2  >  -Ph  >  -H   { -N+R3  >  –N+H3  solvation effect}

*Order of  +I effect or electron releasing effect
-O-  >  -COO-  >  -C(CH3)3  >  -CH(CH3)2  >  -CH2-CH3  >  -H
{C-->--OH  &  C--<--O-}

*Partial displacement of sigma electron (σ- e-s) is called I-effect so, it depends on distance.
I-effect decreasing as distance increasing
3          2           1                  {Ʃ +δ = -δ}


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